See all those clothes on the bed? That’s ALL my clothes. Now, to some, that may seem like heaps and seem like nothing, but I feel like it falls somewhere between. I certainly feel like I have a much stronger wardrobe than I did this time last year when I only owned 1 coat (yay for moving internationally and being unable to bring everything with you).
But my clothing or lack of clothing, whichever way you look at it, isn’t my issue… it is the space to fit it in (remember, I have to fit my boyfriend’s love of fashion into the same wardrobe); it is like playing Tetris every single day, lucky I loved playing that on my Gameboy 😊
So, I’m considering a hanging rail… visible mess isn’t my idea of a perfect interior, but you have to work with what you’ve got, right? So here are 5 great DIY clothing racks from around the web.
A Beautiful Mess
Love Aesthetics
Smitten Studio
Love Aesthetics
Simple Mom